TAT - Design Scroll Stopping Photos Masterclass

Sale price$7.00

Introducing Design Scroll Stopping Photos from our Take Action Series!

This Take Action Series training offers design tips for captivating selfies and product photos!

If you're ready to enhance your brand visuals and stand out on newsfeeds, this video is a must-watch.

Discover the secrets behind creating simple yet eye-catching designs that truly make a difference. Gain insights on what elements grab attention and what doesn't. Learn the importance of incorporating text in your photos and removing distracting backgrounds.

Additionally, we will share our top "Dos and Don'ts" for creating graphics that stop the scroll! Don't underestimate the power of adding a little text here and there - the impact can be enormous.

Take action now and revolutionize your brand's online presence today! Join us, Julie & Jess - Socially Inclined, on the path to success.